"Dyeing" To Be A Warrior!

February 26, 2015

It’s that time of year for the annual hair dyeing parties!  Michelle McJilton has generously offered to have the JV party at her house on Sunday, March 1st at 2:30 p.m – check your email for the address or contact Michelle using the info below.
If it’s your first year on JV your hair must be dyed jet black before March 5th. This can be done at the party for $10, or you can choose to dye your hair on your own and still attend the party. Michelle will have pizza, drinks, cookies, etc. so she is asking for $5 from each player to help with the cost of the food. If you are having your hair dyed, please bring an old towel, and wear old clothes. Things could get messy!!!
There will be a stylist there who will be supplying the dye, etc., so Please let Michelle know if you are planning on attending so she can get a head count of those who are getting their hair done. Her contact information is mrmcjilton@hotmail.com or 817-846-8253.